Group of Thirty — G30 redirects here. For other uses, see G30 (disambiguation). The Group of Thirty, often abbreviated to G30, is an international body of leading financiers and academics which aims to deepen understanding of economic and financial issues and to… … Wikipedia
Group of Thirty — Die Group of Thirty (oftmals abgekürzt mit G30) ist ein privates, internationales Gremium, bestehend aus führenden Personen aus dem Finanzwesen und der Wissenschaft. Sein Ziel ist es, das Verständnis der internationalen wirtschaftlichen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Group of Thirty — Le Group of Thirty, ou G30, est un think tank basé à Washington, D.C.. Il regroupe des financiers importants et des universitaires qui cherchent à approfondir la compréhension des problèmes économiques et financiers et à examiner les conséquences … Wikipédia en Français
Group of Thirty — A group of economic experts comprising individuals from central and commercial banks and finance ministries, as well as academic economists. The group was founded in 1979 by the Rockefeller Foundation to carry out research into international… … Big dictionary of business and management
Group of Thirty — Refer instead to G 30 … International financial encyclopaedia
Thirty Tyrants (disambiguation) — Thirty Tyrants, one of two groups of rulers in classical Antiquity:* Those usually meant are the Thirty Tyrants of Sparta, a committee of men that ruled the city together. * The Historia Augusta includes a book on The Thirty Tyrants , a loose… … Wikipedia
thirty — early 15c. metathesis of O.E. þritig, from þri, þreo three + tig group of ten (see TY (Cf. ty) (1)). Cf. O.Fris. thritich, O.S. thritig, Du. dertig, O.H.G. drizzug, Ger. dreissig. Thirty Years War (1842) was a religious power struggle waged 1618… … Etymology dictionary
Thirty-Six Stratagems — The Thirty Six Stratagems (zh tsp|t=三十六計|s=三十六计|p=Sānshíliù Jì) was originally a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, as well as in civil interaction, often through unorthodox or deceptive means. They… … Wikipedia
Thirty-Three Orientals — The Treinta y Tres Orientales (Thirty Three Easterners) was a militant revolutionary group lead by Juan Antonio Lavalleja against the Empire of Brazil. Their actions culminated in the foundation of modern Uruguay. They became famous by the name… … Wikipedia
Thirty-six Poetry Immortals — The Thirty six Poetry Immortals (Japanese 三十六歌仙, Sanjūrokkasen) are a group of Japanese poets of the Nara, Asuka and Heian periods selected by Fujiwara no Kintō as exemplars of Japanese poetic ability. There are five female poets among them.… … Wikipedia
Thirty Years' War — For other uses, see Thirty Years War (disambiguation). 30 Years War Les Grandes Misères de … Wikipedia